According to the "Power Telephone lines Tell" report from the Federal Power Rigid Commission's Study of Power Projects, US renewables accounted for above than 37 percent of all new, to your house power generating muscle installed at the back of engagement.
The two renewable energy leaders are solar and wind. In 2013 gift were 266 new solar projects with a blatant muscle of 2,936 MW and gift were 18 new wind units with a blatant muscle of 1,129 MW.
Biomass saw the installation of 97 new units with a blatant muscle of 777 MW, while gift were 19 hydroelectric power plants with a outright muscle of 378 MW. Geothermal additional four new units with a blatant muscle of 59 MW.
It must be noted that muscle is not the dreadfully as scrupulous generation. The U.S. Power Rumor Reign indicates that the scrupulous net electrical generation from renewable energy sources in the US is about 13 percent as of November 2013.
(c) 2014, Richard Matthews. All responsibility for unfriendly.
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