Following on from my post this day about the EPA Cold and damp Sway rankings and Google's quick nothingness from the list, I've now acknowledged a convey official to a 'Google evocative, which reads: "Google is proud of the capture we're measure to power our company with renewable energy. We've been carbon neutral considering 2007, with a complete on energy efficiency, using renewable energy, and exorbitant reputation offsets. We at the moment get 35% of our electricity from renewable sources stopping at addicted contracts straight off with developers and our advance providers. We clasp decided not to picture in this year's rankings as we return to to complete our efforts on condescending upright procurement of renewable energy further the ferry of unbundled renewable energy credits. Our efforts are outlined at" "REVIEW:" The lump here is that Google not only requests its operations to be carbon neutral, it is what's more looking to be in motion the renewable industry. Go along with in 2010, such as I reported on Google's investment in NextEra for the supply of green energy - a company in which Google had ahead of invested touching on 40m - I tapering out that it technique that Google no longer desires to buy the equivalent Renewable Grow Certificates (REC). At the moment Google what's more held that upright purchasing deals from renewable suppliers over a yearn daylight hours is usual to clasp a exclusive impact on the renewable industry than specifically exchange stripped RECs from third parties. That's essentially why the company has shy from the Cold and damp Sway Cottage, because interior the Cottage extra REC purchases are counted towards green energy use, at the same time as Google prefers longer prerequisite contracts with renewable energy suppliers. Google buys electricity straight off from a renewable project developer in the form of a power ferry consistency (PPA). For example, with NextEra it has settled to buy 114 MW of wind power for 20 time. The company as well as sells that power plug voguish the grid at the heavy, vend outlay, capably stripping out and continuation the renewable energy credits (RECs) so that no one very can get better nobility for the green aspect of the ferry. Those RECs are as well as useful to the energy used at Google's background centres, displacing heavy congeal power, so that the electricity consumed can be treated as carbon free. (See the White bring into being here for condescending enumeration). The independence is that honest exchange RECs only provides the dealer with the benefit of RECs - which is widely beneath than the benefit of the energy. (The benefit of a renewable kWh can be seen as unvarying to the sum of a "generic" kWh and a REC. So the REC is a small fraction of the fixed benefit of the renewable kWh.) By assenting to buy renewable energy from a project developer, Google guarantees a addicted cash stream that the developer can use it to get financing, which can be used for the adjoining project. A declare to buy honest the RECs but not the energy would be widely beneath treasured to a renewable energy company. Makes trace to me. But now I don't fetch why the EPA's Cold and damp Sway rankings can't be tailored to bear Google's organization. (c) The Cold and damp IT Review (
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